Statement of Behaviour Principles


October 2024

The Department for Education requires governing bodies of maintained schools to publish a statement of behaviour principles for their school. The Governing Board therefore has a duty to produce, and review, a written statement of general principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst students. The document ‘Behaviour and Discipline in Schools – Guidance for Governing Bodies’ (DFE – September 2015) has been used as a reference in producing this Statement of Behaviour Principles.

This is a statement of principles, not practice. Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher and are set out in a range of school policies.

The Governors at Cressex Community School believe that high standards of behaviour lie at the heart of a successful school. Good behaviour enables students to make the best possible progress in all aspects of their school life. At Cressex Community School, we value everyone as an individual, capable of growth, change and development. Our relationships are underpinned both by our co-operative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, and by our ethical values of openness, honesty, social responsibility and caring for others.

We have high expectations that support the development of our students as responsible citizens, able to participate democratically in their community. The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the Behaviour Policy by stating the principles that the Governors expect to be followed. The Governors expect any policy or actions to be in accordance with their responsibility under Equality legislation.


  1. All students, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe at all times at school.
  2. Cressex Community School is an inclusive school. All members of the school community should be free from discrimination of any sort. Measures to protect students should be set out in the Anti-Bullying, Behaviour for Learning and Equalities policies.
  3. All policies should be underpinned by our cooperative and ethical values.
  4. School rules should be clearly set out in the Behaviour for Learning Policy and displayed around school. Governors expect these rules to be consistently applied by all staff.
  5. Governors would like to see a wide range of rewards, consistently and fairly applied in such a way as to encourage and reward good behaviour around school.
  6. Sanctions for unacceptable/poor behaviour should be known and understood by all staff and students and be consistently applied. We recognise that the use of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation and the individual student, and that school staff will use their discretion in their use. Sanctions should however be applied fairly, consistently, proportionally and reasonably, taking into account special educational needs, disability and the needs of vulnerable students, and offering support as necessary.
  7. The Governors expect students and parents/carers to cooperate with school staff to maintain an orderly climate for learning.
  8. The Governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by students or parents/carers towards the school’s staff will not be tolerated.
  9. The Governors expect the School Leaders and the Staff to create a culture where sexual harassment and online sexual abuse are not tolerated, and where they identify issues and intervene early better to protect young people.
  10. The Governors expect the Headteacher to include guidance on the use of reasonable force within the Behaviour for Learning Policy
  11. The Governors expect the Behaviour for Learning Policy to set out the school's response to non-criminal bad behaviour and bullying which occurs anywhere off the school premises, and which is witnessed by a member of staff or reported to the school.