Computer Science and ICT

Subject Introduction
The modern world is unthinkable without computers and computing. To take their place in the world, our students need to be “digitally literate” in the here and now. That means not only operating equipment, but also being able to navigate the cyber world safely and in ways that are not damaging to themselves or others. In this rapidly developing field they also need to be prepared to deal with future forms of hardware and software confidently and competently. We have opted to deliver all lessons using One Note, which is accessible to students and parents both in school and at home, thereby actively demonstrating the use of ICT to support continuing learning.
KS3 Information
In Year 7 and Year 8 we aim to:
- embed skills and knowledge in a wide range of ICT and computing capabilities including digital literacy;
- enhance students’ skills in the office suite to allow them to demonstrate their understanding of audience and purpose through a wide range of project based learning, with a mix of programming and computing units to ensure that knowledge, skills and understanding are embedded from an early age; and enable students to experience some elements of programming so that they have a strong foundation for future study.
KS4 information
In Year 9 we offer two options – Computer Science and ICT
In Computer Science we aim to:
- teach students to think in a more logical way and become better at making decisions and solving problems;
- teach how the different parts of a computer work together and why they work the way they do;
- develop students’ skills in programming systems, in preparation for the programming component;
- encourage students to create code independently to solve problems;
- enable students to understand how computers communicate via networks;
- teach students to consider how important Information Technology is in today’s society, the impact and issues that can arise from using computer systems, and how to improve them; and
- introduce students to examination style questions
In ICT we aim to:
- help students to develop the skills to use software to create solutions to a range of problems;
- teach students how different types of software work and the solutions that can be used for different people’s needs;
- enable students to consider the audience for different products and look at how to design them using the most appropriate type of software from digital presentations to web development;
- prepare for the one written examination in the course; and
- complete practice coursework units, to prepare them for the two pieces of coursework, which must be completed independently under controlled conditions.
In Years 10 and 11 we aim to:
- continue to increase students’ subject knowledge in all units;
- continue systematically to teach and apply memory recall strategies for each unit;
- give students one lesson a week to work on programming skills, with a focus on problem solving and creating algorithms for their programming task; this is vital to prepare students for not only for Post 16 study but also for potential career opportunities;
- expose students to full examination papers and actively develop students’ examination technique through activities such as “exam walk-throughs”;
- encourage students to make deeper links in their learning both within the subject and with other subjects such as maths (problem solving questions), and RS (Ethical questions);
- actively encourage students to look out for articles in the news, be aware of updates in technology, and consider the benefits and drawbacks of any new developments updates; and
- enable students to develop further their understanding of sustainability and ethics, including the effect technology has on the environment.