Welcome from the Headteacher

Ks august 2022High educational achievement and a positive attitude to learning are keys to lifetime success.  At Cressex Community School we firmly believe that high achievement for each student is our shared responsibility.  As a team of staff, we aim to ensure that everyone in the school is able to achieve to her or his full potential and, we hope, to discover new skills and talents too. We want our learners to be happy, confident and to have high aspirations for themselves. We believe in strong home-school links to ensure the right support is available in school and at home.

Our vision is that all learners should have the chance to succeed, regardless of their background, abilities or skills. All learners have the right to an outstanding education, to improve knowledge, skills and ultimately their life chances. At Cressex Community School we are committed to ensuring outstanding provision is made for all our learners, wherever they are learning.

When they leave us to move on to the next stage of education, training or employment, we want the young people educated here to be able to play a full role in society as successful, fulfilled and responsible citizens of modern Britain.

To achieve these aims we seek:

  • to inspire students through a broad, challenging and stimulating curriculum;
  • to extend students’ horizons and provide opportunities for students to learn and succeed within and beyond the classroom (cultural capital);
  • to build respect for hard work and achievement within an ordered, purposeful environment, by ensuring there is a safe and calm learning environment for all;
  • to ensure that we identify and meet students’ individual needs;
  • to provide students with a robust careers programme so that they are well equipped to make decisions about their future (or next steps);
  • to help students to become healthy, confident, enterprising and resilient individuals;
  • to provide students and their parents with regular feedback on progress in school;
  • to teach and embed ethical values of openness, honesty, social responsibility and caring for others. Developing good behaviour, morals and respect. Fostering a school ethos that embraces diversity while challenging intolerant or anti-social attitudes;
  • To embed the cooperative values of: self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. 
  • to listen to and incorporate the views of students, staff, parents and other partners in plans for improvement.

At Cressex we are a community school; we have an enthusiastic and effective team of staff who work hard to help students learn and succeed. Our governing body takes a close interest in the school and supports us very well.  We benefit enormously from a strong partnership with parents/carers, the wider community and members of the Cressex Cooperative Trust. At Cressex, ‘high achievement for all is our shared responsibility’.

We look forward to welcoming your child to Cressex and to working closely with you.

Yours sincerely

Mr K Shabbir

Please click on the image below to watch a short film about life at Cressex. The video was produced with our now retired Headteacher Mr D Hood. Thank you.