Physical Education

Subject Introduction
The Cressex PE department offers a high quality Physical Education curriculum that aims to cultivate a lifelong passion and enthusiasm for sport and physical activity. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities are provided to participate and compete in sport, and other activities to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. Strong community links are provided to encourage students to be physically active outside of the classroom.
For students wishing to become more specialist or an elite performer in chosen sports, they can opt to study GCSE Physical Education or Cambridge National Sports Studies in Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 3
Throughout Key Stage 3, students participate in a broad range of individual and team sports. Regardless of the activity, the PE department use the National Curriculum for Physical Education:
- Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in face-to face competition through team and individual games
- Develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports
- Perform dances using advanced movement patterns
- Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present mental and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group
- Compare their performances with previous ones to achieve their personal best.
- Take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.
- Analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
The intention is to give students the opportunity to apply fundamental skills with increasing confidence and competence.
As well as create a strong foundation on which students can apply their knowledge to GCSE PE. Activities include:
Athletics (indoor and outdoor), Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Dodgeball, Football, Gymnastics, Health Related Exercise, Handball, Netball, Rugby, Volleyball, Team Building, Orienteering, Rounders, Short Tennis, Table Tennis, Tennis, and Trampolining.
Key Stage 4
Core PE
At Key Stage 4, we continue to use the National Curriculum for Physical Education:
- Use and develop a variety of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in team and individual games.
- Develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports.
- Take part in further outdoor and adventurous activities in a range of environments which present intellectual and physical challenges and which encourage pupils to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group.
- Evaluate their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve their personal best.
- Continue to take part regularly in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.
This expands on that of Key Stage 3 by providing increasingly complex and demanding activities. The intention is to give students the opportunity to develop advanced skills, as well as take on different roles and responsibilities. Whilst promoting healthy and active lives, and developing personal fitness.
The PE department places an emphasis on ‘a love of sport’, in order to drive Sport England’s aim: ‘Create a sporting habit for life.’ This is achieved by giving students option choices throughout the year and offering activities that students are likely to participate in once they have left school. These activities include: Fitness (e.g. Circuit Training, Weight Training), Badminton, 5 a-side Football, Trampolining and Table Tennis.
The department currently follow the OCR specification for GCSE Physical Education. The course provides students with the knowledge and understanding of sports performance; how and why the body works in physical activity, how to improve your performance, ethical issues in sport including drug use and the consequences of inactivity and poor diet.
The course is assessed both practically (30% of final mark), with performance graded in 3 sports, and theoretically (60% of final mark) in 2 x 60 min written examinations. Additionally, students will also carry out a project where they analyse their performance and fitness in a chosen activity, plan and implement an action plan in order to improve (10% of final mark).
In Year 9, 10 and 11 students will attend their core PE practical lessons focusing on individual skills and techniques, and also how they are applied within the game/competition. Students will also attend 2 theoretical lessons in order to develop the knowledge and understanding of the course content.
This specification is particularly suitable for students who wish to continue their studies in further education and for those who are interested in sport and exercise related career opportunities.
Cambridge National Sports Studies
The department added the OCR Cambridge National Sports Studies course in September 2018 in order to stretch the students who wish to focus more on the Sports Industry. The Certificate gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. By completing the three units, students will:
- Explore a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport.
- Develop skills, techniques and use of tactics/ strategies in both an individual and a team sporting activity, as well as their understanding of the rules to allow them to act in a number of officiating roles within an activity.
- Develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills required to be an effective sport leader and plan, deliver and review safe and effective sporting activity sessions themselves.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of careers available in sport.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of sport and the media.
The course is assessed both practically and theoretically, with internal and external assessment. The course consists of one examination unit; Contemporary Issues.
In Year 9, 10 and 11 students will attend 2 lessons focusing on the application of skills in a sporting context, as well as developing the knowledge and understanding of the course content in their coursework/ examination.
This specification is particularly suitable for students who wish to continue their studies in further education and for those who are interested in sports industry and careers within this sector.