Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care is offered as an option for students in Years 9, 10 and 11. Over the three years of the course students prepare for the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care.

Health and Social Care develops students’ understanding of all of the core aspects of working in a health and social care setting. It has practical applications. Some students are able to put their knowledge to immediate use in local businesses. The subject also provides a good basis for further study in health and social care and related fields.

Students complete 2 internally assessed pieces for Component 1, Human Lifespan Development, and Component 2, Health and Social Care Services and Values.  A final externally assessed piece is completed under exam conditions for component 3, Health and Wellbeing.

In Year 9 and 10, students learn:

Component 1 (Human Lifespan Development) – Human growth and development across life stages; factors affecting growth and development; different types of life event and coping with change caused by life events.

Component 2 (Health and Social Care Services and Values) – Health and Social Care services; barriers to accessing services; Care values, including an opportunity to review the students’ application of the care values.

In Year 10, students:

Complete the Pearson Set Assignments (PSA). These are set by the exam board and completed under exam conditions. 

This consolidates the knowledge learnt in Year 9.

There are two PSA components to be completed across the year, each worth 30% of the final grade. 

In Year 11, students learn:

Component 3 (Health and Wellbeing) – Factors affecting health and wellbeing; physiological indicators; lifestyle indicators; health and wellbeing improvement plans; obstacles to implementing plans.

This component is worth 40% of the final grade.  Assessment is a 2 hour exam.

Health and Social Care Curriculum Map