Posted on: 8/12/2016

Paralympic Judo Medallist Returns to Cressex to Inspire More Students

Twenty Cressex pupils were treated to a motivational workshop from Paralympic medallist Ian Rose, as part of a Sky Sports Living for Sport project.  The twenty pupils were selected as a reward for their excellent effort, attitude and behaviour during their PE lessons so far this year. 

The day begun with a motivational talk from Ian Rose about the six keys to success:

1.      Mental toughness

2.      Hunger to achieve

3.      People skills

4.      Sports and life knowledge

5.      Breaking barriers

6.      Planning for success 

This was a highly educational and enjoyable experience for the pupils. All were given an opportunity to discuss what makes people successful and gain a better understanding of how to achieve in life. 

The second part of the day was spent participating in a range of teamwork and communication skill activities. The pupils engaged in cooperative as well as competitive games which required them to use problem solving skills and allowed them opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills. 

Congratulations to the twenty pupils and a big 'thank you' to Ian Rose for once again leading an inspirational day.

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